
King of Pop Style

Kings of Pop STYLE is a new brand extension to the popular Kings of Pop Series. With a focus on fashion, the title highlights a different musician every issue. Few boy band stars become critically acclaimed musicians, and even fewer become bona fide style icons. Our launch issue star Harry Styles is different. Harry has been hailed as a style icon by the likes of fashion bibles GQ and Vogue. In this issue we look back at Harry¿s amazing fashion journey, speak to experts in the field to dissect his style choices, offer high street alternatives for boys and girls plus features on his fashion team, and what the world of fashion thinks about Harry. Plus, in his own words, why he has so much fun with style

King of Pop Style
Magazine article number0173
Magazine issue202303
Magazine relese date20.07.2023
Magazine last date14.09.2023
Price Sweden249.00 kr
Price Norway299.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released4 time per yeas

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