
Opera Now

OPERA NOW has been redesigned to be more accessible to all opera lovers, capturing the drama, colour and vitality of one of the most powerful of all the performing arts. The new look magazine showcases the creative spirit of opera, both on stage and behind the scenes, with profiles of opera companies, singers, directors and designers plus the in-depth features reflect how diverse cultural elements have influenced opera, including travel, history, literature, art, architecture, politics and philosophy.
The aim of OPERA NOW is to inspire opera-loving readers to broaden their knowledge and deepen their passion for this fascinating and stimulating artform.

Opera Now
Magazine article number2068
Magazine issue202403
Magazine relese date23.04.2024
Magazine last date29.05.2024
Price Sweden319.00 kr
Price Norway379.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released12 time per yeas

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