
Guide to the Royal Navy

Britain¿s navy has never been busier. From patrolling the North Atlantic to deter Russia¿s growing navy, to keeping shipping lanes open in the Middle East and supporting allies in the Pacific. An ambitious ship building programme is underway to replace the Royal Navy¿s submarines, warships, and support ships.
From the publishers of the British Army Yearbook and the British Airpower Yearbook comes this new, maritime publication ¿ the Royal Navy Yearbook.
The 2022 edition profiles the ships of the current fleet, the aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm and the units of the Royal Marines. Future threats and naval technology are examined, and senior naval officers talk about how they are building a Royal Navy for the 21st century.

Guide to the Royal Navy
Magazine article number5200
Magazine issue202301
Magazine relese date21.11.2023
Magazine last date16.01.2024
Price Sweden229.00 kr
Price Norway275.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released1 time per yeas

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