
Ultimate Linux

The open-source nature of Linux makes it the perfect stage for any computing enthusiast to tinker around in, and its potential is limitless. Inside this special edition
from the brains behind Linux Format, we have compiled an ultimate compendium of Linux-themed projects to dive into. Inside, we’ll cover distros, open-source software, coding and, of course, Raspberry Pi across an impressive array of tutorials and guides to help you get some extra power from your Linux machine. Learn how to code videogames, create the perfect home office software suite, build a Plex-killing media server and much more in Ultimate Linux Projects.

Ultimate Linux
Magazine article number5791
Magazine issue202301
Magazine relese date26.01.2023
Magazine last date23.03.2023
Price Sweden299.00 kr
Price Norway339.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released1 time per yeas

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