
Wartime Christmas

Peace in the midst of war a contradiction to say the least But around the globe and in every modern conflict, soldiers on the frontline, sailors on the high seas, and civilians caught up in the maelstrom have sought temporary sanctuary in the observance of the Christmas holiday At times, the circumstances are both poignant and surprising Letters reveal the sense of loss, hope and desperate humanity, while traditions and customs were maintained or shelved, at least temporarily In each case, those in the
service and those at home paused, if only briefly, to ponder the meaning of Christmas, the glow of home and hearth, and the ever present desire for peace Read their stories in Wartime Christmas.

Wartime Christmas
Magazine article number0352
Magazine issue202201
Magazine relese date03.01.2023
Magazine last date28.02.2023
Price Sweden199.00 kr
Price Norway235.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released1 time per yeas

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