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Airforces Monthly
It has built up a formidable reputation by getting to places where other military aviation magazines only think about. AirForces Monthly has been there, taken photographs and
captured world exclusive features long before others hear whispers. AirForces Monthly s reputation is unrivalled worldwide. Unbiased on it s reporting on the world s air forces and their airpower, AirForces Monthly leads the way on potential hotspots areas and the airpower available to resolve certain situations. AirForces Monthly is constantly updating the strengths of airforces, their conflicts, weaponry, exercises, retirements, and cut-backs throughout the world. There s the latest write-offs, collisions, losses and worldwide accidents reports. Overall, an unrivalled combination of up-to-the-minute news coverage, superb photography, and in-depth reporting from all over the globe makes AirForces Monthly one of the world s leading aviation magazines. So whether you are in industry, the military or an enthusiast, AirForces Monthly is not to be missed!

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