
BBC History Magazine

Each monthly edition contains everything you need to get the most out of history including: Bringing History to Life – Leading historians, bring fresh insights and perspectives into the personalities and events of the past.
Today¿s world in context – Make sense of the modern world and the history that has shaped it.
History to Go – Museum of the month, where to go, what to see ¿ hands on history to help you explore your heritage. What¿s On? – The UK¿s best guide and insight into history programmes on TV and radio.
Milestones – Key events in history, every day of the month.
Reviews – The best new books, CDs, tapes and internet sites. The History Quiz – With questions to test even the hottest history brains (and prizes to reward them).
Education ¿ Exploring issues of interest to students and teachers alike.

BBC History Magazine
Art. nr7675
Förs. dag2025-01-08
I butik till2025-02-12
Pris Sverige179.00 kr
Pris Norge205.00 kr
Utkommer12 gånger / år

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