

Illustrated with detailed artworks of Allied bomber and fighter aircraft and their markings with captions and specifications, Allied Carrier Aircraft is the definitive study of the equipment and organisation of the Allies¿ bomber and fighter units throughout the war in the European and Mediterranean theatres. The bookazine describes in depth the various units that were fighting on the front at key points in the war and describes the models of aircraft in service with each unit along with their individual and squadron markings. With information boxes accompanying the full-colour artworks, Allied carrier aircraft is an essential reference guide for modellers and any enthusiast with an interest in the aircraft of the period.

Art. nr5870
Förs. dag2024-07-31
I butik till2024-09-25
Pris Sverige285.00 kr
Pris Norge335.00 kr
Utkommer1 gånger / år

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