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Nat Geo Travel Food
National Geographic Traveller Food has established itself as a food and travel magazine with a difference. The magazine focuses on where to go, what to see and how to explore the world via unique culinary experiences. Its writers talk to producers, suppliers, farmers, chefs and restaurateurs, and this authentic storytelling is accompanied by so good you can almost taste it photography. Whether it¿s uncovering the truth behind a gourmet trend, sharing delicious recipes or taking readers on the bumpy journey from farm to fork, the magazine champions sustainability and celebrates local cultures. Across its pages, National Geographic Traveller Food serves up the latest culinary experiences, shares insight on cultural contexts and offers practical advice, from deconstructing classic dishes and `breaking bread¿ with families across the globe to meeting the food world¿s new
Inside you¿ll find: Unique food experiences, You can almost taste it photography, Deconstructing your favourite recipes, Breaking bread with families around the world, On trend food reports, Food pioneers interviewed, Farm to fork journeys, Book, restaurant and wine reviews.

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